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Mudslide Cowboy

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  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-10 09:05:59
评分 10





Mudslide Cowboy: Prospector. Hero. Manly Man.
Mudslide Cowboy is about a man with a whip, a lasso & a dream. A dream to become the worlds greatest & most successful mudslide cowboy. For the uninitiated (that’s you), mudslide cowboying is the honourable profession of riding large logs down the sides of mountains where there is, or has recently been, a mudslide, in the hopes of recovering unearthed treasures like silver, gold & precious stones. And dont forget to help those poor villagers stuck under the mood, youll see them calling for help.

As you rocket down the mountain, guiding Mudslide Cowboy around with your finger (or cursor, for desktop users), you will encounter all kinds of wealthful (& sometimes healthful) wonders. Gathering these is a lot of fun. There will be hazards too, though! Whip those logs, rocks & bushes out of your way by tapping (or clicking) them. Mudslide Cowboy will automatically know whether to use the whip or the lasso, depending on what you click. So click away! Whipping rocks will sometimes reveal gold or silver, which you will then gather (it pays to whip things, is basically the point). Each level is unique, with it’s own unique set of challenges & rewards.



软件大小: 软件版本: 2.0 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-10 09:05:59

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