
所在位置:首页 > 手机软件 > PopCork!


  • 安全
  • 人工检测
  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-10 05:08:25
评分 10





PopCork is an entertaining Japanese festival game that challenges your shooting accuracy. Win prizes by shooting them off the cart!
PopCork! takes advantage of the built-in accelerometer. Move your device in any direction to adjust your aim. You can also use the sliding zoom controls to shorten your range!

Game-play is very simple: The ever popular Kuma the Bear runs this attraction, so simply give him one of your coins and he will give you 5 corks. Take aim with your gun and shoot the prizes with your corks! Use your aim estimate cork trajectory in order to knock down the prizes! It takes a steady hand to win the prizes, but with enough practice, youll soon get the knack of it!

There are over 100 kinds of Japanese prizes you can win! As you level up, new prizes will be unlocked. Win all sorts of interesting prizes and build up your collection.

At the beginning, youll start out with an ordinary gun and standard corks. As you collect prizes, youll also amass more points, which can be used to upgrade your gun and corks. Your rifle can be upgraded to special guns such as shotgun, laser, and bazooka! These special guns can knock down even more items than your standard cork gun.

Bonus feature! 360 degree view of the prizes you have won!

Random challenges are also part of the game! Shoot at rare prizes that appear in a special hidden zone! Conquer random enemies in timed quests!

Collect all the prizes and become the sharpshooter!



软件大小: 软件版本: 4.0 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-10 05:08:25

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