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Puppy Run

  • 安全
  • 人工检测
  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-09 13:42:06
评分 10





Puppy Run is a maze puzzle game with 100 uber-challenging levels. Puppy Run is a highly addictive maze puzzle game and is suitable for boys, girls and adults.
Poor Pomo the Puppy is very sad. His master, Professor Lidenbrock, has gone on a scary journey to the center of the Earth...without his compass! Pomo must bring the compass to his master or risk losing him forever. Help Pomo descend down a series of 100 mazes full of mind-bending obstacles, bombs, and puppy-eating monsters.

- The ultimate maze puzzle game based on “Journey to the Center of the Earth” by Jules Verne.
- Gravity, geometry, maze puzzles, monster battles, high speed chases – who could ask for more?
- Play Puppy Run on your Android phone and tablet
- Stunning Visuals + Cute Puppy = Happy Player!

*****Rave reviews from mom’s and kids alike!*****

“Super fun and cute... the puppy is irresistible! Definitely two thumbs up.”

“For only 99 cents, you get hours of fun. Its amazing how many hours you can play this game, and you pay less than a dollar. It is really addicting. I started playing it earlier today and I have been playing nonstop the whole day. Also, along with the fun game, there is also a story line. You basically go to the center of the earth.”



软件大小: 软件版本: 2.0 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-09 13:42:06

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