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The Predicktor

  • 安全
  • 人工检测
  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-08 21:00:33
评分 10





Measure what matters to predict his penis length: butt size, height, ring and finger length, his sexual orientation and whether he is a porn star! Seriously! This is what really predicts his length.
Calculate his penis length and see how you compare. Discreetly use real science to show you how he measures up. No need to ask him.
? Get a reassuring answer to the burning question "am I normal"?
We used published medical studies to get you the best predicktion. Ours doesnt try and use a single measurement to guess his length - but uses everything shown to matter.
In bars, cafes or between classes, men and women should always have it on hand to see how each guy measures up! The app has been designed to be used again and again to have fun predicting each guys personal penis length - anywhere, anytime!
"app aims to help you easily uncover what really comes between a boy and his Calvins." Huffingtonpost
"The Predicktor is a fun way to estimate his size" Cosmopolitan
"Theres now an app for predicting size of mans penis" @askdrruth Dr. Ruth Westheimer

The app not only predicts his size but tells you how many men in the world he is bigger than, country by country. It is a hoot to share with others how many men in Greenland he is the same size as or even which country he most measures up in!! Let him know you found his length, and he is bigger than 2 million men in Greece, or the same size as 43,000 men in Fiji or maybe he is bigger than 2.45 billion men in the world. What if he measured on the smaller end of normal, he may still bigger than millions of men around the world.
The Predicktor draws from hard scientific data to use stats like his finger length, height, sexual orientation and butt size to predict his length. It bluntly ignores things shown in studies to have no role in predicting size - like race and nose size (see in the app why this is true)!!! Check it out - get informed and debunk the myths.
Women and men use The Predicktor to:
? Find out what part of the penis most pleasures men.
? Learn more about Small Penis Syndrome.
? Find out what women really think about men’s genitalia in scientific surveys - it will surprise you.
? Estimate the length of any guys erect penis, even from across the room.
? Find out what body parts are truly related to penis size
? Find out what body parts are have no bearing on penis size.
? Show the difference between a smaller and large sized penis - the difference may be smaller than you think.
? Get a reassuring answer to the burning question "am I normal"?
Enjoy The Predicktion Odometer action as it finds his size - fun to use with friends, anywhere!
Inspired by patients of all ages who express penis-related insecurity, anxiety or dissatisfaction, The Predicktor was created by a family physician to help men – and women – get perspective on a prickly subject and have fun doing it!
The Predicktor busts myths and relieves anxiety through fun calculations and getting the facts.
Calculate. Compare. Relax.



软件大小: 软件版本: 2.0 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-08 21:00:33

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